The best of creation, the noblest example, the Mercy for all mankind, the Holy Prophet of Islam is the last Messenger from Allah. Find out about him and his teachings.
The Commander of the Faithful, born in the Kaaba, martyred in the masjid e Kufa, our first Imam. Created by Allah from the same light as the Prophet ( SAW) , he is the best example of the teachings of the Holy Quran.
The prince of Peace, the fragrant rose of the Prophet , a shining example of excellent manners and piety. The Holy Prophet said “Hasan and Husayn are the Masters of the Youth of Paradise.”
Let’s learn about Imam Zayn Al Abideen AS
The fourth Imam, sole survivor in Karbala continued to spread the true teachings of his grandfather through prayers and mourning
Let’s learn about Imam Baqir (AS) & Imam Sadiq (AS)
Our 5th and 6th Imams had a crucial role in spreading knowledge of the true message of Islam. They lived at a time of great turmoil in the Islamic world. They were able to guide the Umma towards the Divine Path.
Our 7th and 9th Imams are buried in Kazimayn. Imam Musa Kazim AS was imprisoned by the Bani Abbas and spent long years in dark prisons before being poisoned. Imam Muhammad Taqui lived for only 25 years before his martyrdom
Imam Ridha (AS) our eighth Imam had vast knowledge and excellent manners. He was forced to leave Madina and travel to Toos where after only three years, he was poisoned by Mamoon.
Guidance from Allah continued through the 12 Imams after the Prophet ( SAW) . Short stories from each of the Imams guide us and teach us how to live according to his teachings.
The four-year-old daughter of Imam Husayn AS suffered deeply and her pain and suffering touched the hearts of millions. Learn about her courage as she faced the cruel, tyrant Yazeed.
The month of Ramadhan is the month of Allah ,the month of the holy Quran. Recite duas each day and learn about the holy personalities connected with this month.
Baqee has graves of four of our 12 holy Imams but alas they have been razed to the ground. Learn about its history and the destruction of our Islamic heritage. Find out what we can do.